Centimeter to Meter Conversion Calculator

Centimeter to Meter [cm into m]
Input (cm)
Output (m)

The Centimeter to Meter conversion calculator is a free tool that can be used online, and it shows the conversion from centimeters to meters. The online cm to m converter tool that Conversion Galaxy provides helps the computation go more quickly, and it shows the converted number in a few seconds rather than minutes.

What is Centimeter to Meter?

Centimeter (cm) – The current version of the metric system is known as the International System of Units (SI), and one of its length units is the centimeter (abbreviated as cm). It is equal to 1/100 of a meter in length.

Meter(m) – In the International System of Units, the fundamental unit of measurement for both length and distance is the meter, abbreviated as m.

How Do I Use the Centimeter to Meter Calculator?

The following is the process that must be followed in order to utilize the Centimeter to Meter calculator correctly:

  • First, in the first input field, type the value in centimeters.
  • As soon as the input is given, the respective meter (m) value will be displayed in the output field.

Centimeter to Meter Conversion Formula

The following is the formula that must be used to convert centimeters to meters:

1 cm = 1/100 m = 0.01 m

Thus, multiplying the given number by 0.01 allows you to convert it from cm to m.

Centimeter to Meter (cm to m) Chart

Centimeter (cm)Meter (m)
0.1 cm0.001 m
1 cm0.01 m
5 cm0.05 m
10 cm0.1 m
50 cm0.5 m
100 cm1 m
500 cm5 m

Centimeter to Meter Questions

Question 1:

Convert 150 cm to m.


Since we already know that 1 cm is equal to 0.01 m, we only need to multiply 150 cm by 0.01 m.

Therefore, 150 cm = 150 × 0.01 m

150 cm = 1.5 m

Hence, 150 centimeters equals 1.5 meters.

Question 2:

Convert 0.05 cm to m.


It is enough to multiply 0.05 cm by 0.01 m since we are already familiar with the fact that 1 cm is equivalent to 0.01 m.

Therefore, 0.05 cm = 0.05 × 0.01 m

0.05 cm = 0.0005 m

Hence, 0.05 centimeter equals 0.0005 meter.

To get the conversion of values from one unit to another unit, visit our website “Conversion Galaxy” today!

Other Important Converter Tools:-

Frequently Asked Questions on Centimeter to Meter

What is 1 cm in meter?

1 centimeter in meter is 0.01 m.
i.e., 1 cm = 0.01 m.

Convert 10 cm to m.

10 cm equals 0.1 m.

Convert 100 cm to m.

100 cm equals 1 m.

Convert 7.5 cm to m.

7.5 cm equals 0.075 m.