Meter to Centimeter Conversion Calculator

Meter to Centimeter (m to cm)
Input (m)
Output (cm)

A free online calculator that shows the conversion between meters and centimeters is called the Meter to Centimeter Conversion Calculator. Conversion Galaxy’s online m to cm converter speeds up the calculation by showing the converted number in seconds rather than minutes.

What is Meter to Centimeter?

Centimeter (cm) – The centimeter is one of the length units in the current metric system as specified by the International System of Units (SI) (abbreviated as cm). It measures 1/100 of a meter in length.

Meter (m) – The basic measurement unit used for both length and distance in the International System of Units is the meter, abbreviated as m.

How Do I Use the Meter to Centimeter Calculator?

To properly use the Meter to Centimeter calculator, the following procedure must be followed:

  • Enter the value in meters in the first input area. The first action will be this.
  • Finally, the outcome of the meter to centimeter conversion will be shown in the output area (m to cm)

Meter to Centimeter Conversion Formula

The following equation should be used to convert from meters to centimeters:

1 m = 100 cm

As a result, you must multiply the given value by 100 in order to convert it from meters to centimeters.

Meter to Centimeter (m to cm) Chart

Meter (m)Centimeter (cm)
0.1 m10 cm
1 m100 cm
5 m500 cm
10 m1000 cm
50 m5000 cm
100 m10000 cm
500 m50000 cm

Meter to Centimeter Questions

Question 1:

Convert 16 m to cm


We simply need to multiply 16 m by 100 cm since we know that 1 m is equal to 100 cm.

Therefore, 16 m = 16 × 100 cm

16 m = 1600 cm

Hence, 16 meters equals 1600 centimeters.

Question 2:

Convert 1.5 m to cm.


Since we already know that 100 centimeters equals one meter, multiplying 1.5 meters by 100 centimeters would be sufficient.

Therefore, 1.5 m= 1.5 × 100 cm.

1.5 m = 150 cm

Hence, 150 centimeters equals 1.5 meters.

Visit our website “Conversion Galaxy” right now to learn how to convert values between different units!

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