Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: September-25-2024

Welcome to Conversion Galaxy (“the Website”). By using https://conversiongalaxy.com/, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t agree, please don’t use our Website.

1. Acceptance of Terms

To use Conversion Galaxy, you need to be at least 13 years old. This is to ensure you can understand and follow these rules. If you’re using our Website for an organization (like a school or company), you must have the proper authority to agree to these terms on their behalf.

2. Use of the Website

Conversion Galaxy provides tools for learning math, improving English skills, and converting units. These are for personal use only. This means you can use them to learn and practice, but not for business purposes. We’ve worked hard on our content, so please don’t copy, change, or share it without our written permission.

3. Content Disclaimer

We do our best to provide accurate and helpful information. However, we’re not perfect, and mistakes can happen. That’s why we recommend double-checking any crucial information you find on our Website, especially if you’re using it for important tasks or assignments.

4. User Conduct

To keep Conversion Galaxy safe and helpful for everyone, please follow these rules:

  • Don’t use our Website for anything illegal
  • Don’t try to access parts of the Website that are off-limits
  • Be respectful – don’t post anything mean, harmful, or offensive
  • Don’t interfere with how the Website works (like trying to break it or slow it down)

5. Intellectual Property Rights

All the content on Conversion Galaxy – including text, images, logos, and how the Website looks – belongs to us. You’re welcome to use it for learning, but please don’t use it for other purposes without asking us first in writing.

6. Third-Party Links

Sometimes we might link to other websites we think are helpful. But remember, we don’t control what’s on those sites. We’re not responsible for their content or what might happen if you use them.

7. Limitation of Liability

We work hard to make sure Conversion Galaxy is useful and works well. But if something goes wrong while you’re using our Website, we can’t be held responsible for any problems this might cause you. Use our Website at your own risk.

8. Changes to Terms and Conditions

As we grow and improve, we might need to update these rules. If we do, we’ll post the new version right here on the Website. It’s a good idea to check these terms now and then. If you keep using Conversion Galaxy after we’ve changed the rules, it means you agree to the new version.

9. Governing Law

If there’s ever a serious disagreement about these rules that we can’t sort out together, it will be handled according to the laws where our company is based. This helps keep things fair and clear for everyone.

10. Contact Information

If you have any questions about these rules, or if something’s not clear, please let us know. You can reach us at conversiongalaxy12@gmail.com. We’re here to help!

11. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions are the complete agreement between you and Conversion Galaxy about using our Website. They replace any other agreements or understandings we might have had before, whether in writing or spoken.

By using Conversion Galaxy, you’re telling us that you’ve read these rules, you understand them, and you agree to follow them. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our learning community safe and positive. Thank you for being part of Conversion Galaxy!